The relief is almost instantaneous when that air conditioner fires up on an especially toasty day. But a question some never thought they'd have to ask was can you be allergic to air conditioning?
The sad answer to that question is yes, they can. As soothing as your AC unit can be, it's a fixture that, like tables, blinds, and other furniture - can collect dust and other particles.
Air conditioning and allergies can be a volatile combination. To minimize your yearly sneezing, wheezing, and other annoying visitors, here's how to set up your home unit, so it doesn't aggravate your seasonal allergies:
- Do An HVAC Audit.
Your AC unit is only as clean as the HVAC system it's attached to. Though some parts of your HVAC require more attention than others, getting the whole setup regularly fine-tuned never hurts.
Your HVAC setup is riddled with dark, warm recesses that are cauldrons for allergy inducers of all kinds. Start by scheduling yearly maintenance from a specialist who can fix what's broken and advise you on steps to prolong your system's effectiveness.
A couple of suggestions. Ask a specialist to pay close attention to the air ducts and thoroughly work on them during all maintenance sessions. Another? Add a dehumidifier to help with overall HVAC functionality. Finally, take extra care to clean out bacteria and microbes that might stay behind season after season.
Just make sure someone comes in to look at your HVAC annually. Regular upkeep can be just the thing to keep your allergies (somewhat) at bay.
- Take Care of Your Filters.
Bringing all that dust, dander, pollen, and everything else into the house doesn't just go away. It stays in your home, but the AC unit can recirculate all that mess into the air and your system.
Regularly switching out your air filters can cut down on those irritants. Add a HEPA filter to your AC unit if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Once installed, make sure you swap in a new one every 6-12 months. Outdoor pollutants are more difficult to shake than indoor ones, so regularly switching those out is a reliable way to protect yourself during high-pollen periods.
- Tend To Your Condenser Coil.
Don't just think inside when looking for air conditioner allergy relief. Your unit is circulating air in from outside, so any entry point to your house must also be maintained. Enter the condenser coil.
The coil is on the condenser, which is on the outer portion of the AC. The coil collects all those pesky allergy irritants and circulates them back inside and down into your nose, throat, and mouth. When too much dust gets caked up onto the coil, your AC puts more pressure on itself, leading to lower-than-normal efficiency.
Schedule the condenser coil to be cleaned once a year to avoid excessive accumulation of mildew and mold. Not allowing those irritants to build up over months and years can help keep your eyes and nose clear during the annual allergy surge.
So, can you be allergic to air conditioning? Yes. Do you need to continue being so? Not at all. Make sure your AC and HVAC system are regularly examined to keep allergy irritants at bay and your senses from overstimulating.
Need to get your AC or HVAC systems cleaned? Visit our website now to schedule an appointment.